The NTPF arranges treatments for patients, provides independently assured waiting list information, develops systems and processes which contribute to health system reform, negotiates prices for nursing home care, and provides expert advice to the Minister for Health.
Governance and Compliance
The Board of the NTPF has established two Committees: an Audit and Risk Committee and a Patient Care Committee – to support its core organisational objectives.

Audit & Risk Committee
The Board of the NTPF established an Audit and Risk Committee as a Principal Committee of the Board to assist it in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities.
The main function of the Audit and Risk Committee is to review the significant financial reporting issues and judgements made in connection with the NTPF’s financial statements and reports, and to review the scope and effectiveness of its internal controls, including financial, operational and compliance controls.
This work includes systems established by management to identify, assess, manage and monitor key risks, both financial and operational, taking account of the key objectives of the NTPF as contained in the Strategic Plan.
Patient Care Committee
The Patient Care Committee assists the NTPF Board by providing oversight and challenge of the quality, risk management and safety of patient care commissioned via the NTPF.
The Patient Care Committee strives to embed high standards of service and ensure continuous quality improvement in all aspects of service provision by the NTPF’s commissioning function. It is a sub-committee of the NTPF Board.
The committee is appointed by the board and comprises a chair and three board members. Some relevant meetings are also attended by the NTPF’s medical adviser and patient representative, as well as the NTPF’s CEO, Director of Commissioning, Deputy Director of Commissioning and Quality and Risk Assurance Manager.